Welcome to St.Bedes Anglo-Indian Hr. Sec. School
St.Bede’s Stands for Loving Relationships, Integrity and Excellence.
Loving Relationship with God,Self,Neighbour and Nature is our goal
Intergrity is the Basic of Our Relationship
Excellence is a Joyful Endeavour
Headmaster's Message
Dear Students and Parents,
Greetings from St. Bede’s Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School.
St. Bede’s has been a progressive and high achieving salesian school serving the society with distinction. When one looks back at the past years, there is a satisfying feeling to see clear evidence of stability and sustainability in academics, sports and games, culturals and in the administration of the school. We thank the Almighty for bringing together the right people at the right time each endowed with unique strengths and talents united by a common cause. We seek God’s blessings and guidance in every step of our way in the years ahead.
Don Bosco’s method of education is not a method of teaching a subject; rather it is a method of building a relationship between student and teacher which transforms and energizes the students to develop their potentialities – Physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social. In todays’ fast changing and high – tech world, the young are bombarded with information through the internet and Mass media. The “Expressive system” of education imparted with the spirit of Don Bosco, will continue to work wonders in the lives of the students, especially the needy and the poor. Let us be reminded of the words of Mother Theresa, “Like Jesus we belong to the world, living not for ourselves but for others. This joy of the Lord is our strength”.
Birthday Celebrants
Best Students of the Week
Rector's Message

Dear Students & Teachers, Just a couple of days to go before we will celebrate the great feast of Christmas - the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. As the celebrative mood sets in, we may tend to ask about the why of the Incarnation. Why would God want to take on human flesh? Why would an infinite power want to limit itself within the confines of history and a human body? Why Incarnation? There is a marvellous story told about a little child who awoke one night frightened, convinced that in the darkness around her there were all kinds of spooks and monsters. Alone, frightened, she ran to her parents' bedroom. Her mother calmed her down and, taking her by the hand, led her back to her own room where she put on a light and reassured the child with these words: You needn't be afraid, you are not alone here. God is in the room with you. The child replied: I know that God is here, but I need someone in this room who has some skin! Fr. D.J. Sagayaraj Rector & Correspondent.